Caesarean section
Caesarean section is a non-vaginal delivery of the baby by the women through the surgical procedure. The procedure involves a cut through the abdominal wall and uterus of the pregnant women.
Most of the cases a C section is performed by the doctor if unexpected situations arose jeopardizing well-being of the mother and baby. Therefore, your doctor will decide whether it is safer for both mother and baby to go through the Caesarean section rather than vaginal birth. These are some conditions that obstetrician will take into account and recommend to do a C section:
If the women had a C section in previous pregnancies
Multiple or twin delivery
Placenta previa (known as a cervix blocked by the placenta)
Abnormal position of the baby
Large-sized baby
Maternal conditions or infections. (for example, diabetes, obesity and etc)
In the above mentioned scenarios, a C- section may be advised by your doctor because of the medical conditions. However, some women prefer a C section rather vaginal birth because of personal preferences. This type of the surgical procedure called a parent choice C-section. Below are reasons why women chose to do a C section
Fear of pain and unpredicted outcomes
Concerns about sexual life in a future
A difficult previous experience of the vaginal birth
Personal issues
Your doctor will do counselling and explain of the benefits of vaginal birth unless if parents anticipate some medical conditions which requires a C-section.
Preparation of Caesarean Delivery
A room is prepared to perform a C section by the doctor, where a pregnant woman has an intravenous tube from which fluids medications directly to the women’s vein in an arm. An anti-infectious medication is also advised by your doctor in order to avoid the infection during the procedure. A catheter, a thin tube, will be placed directly to your urethra, in order to keep bladder empty during the procedure. Different types of blocks will be administered such as epidural block, spinal block or general anaesthesia. Afterwards, your doctor will perform two incisions, one through the skin and the abdominal wall and the second one through the uterus. The abdominal wall is about 6 inches and can be either vertical or horizontal depending on the medical conditions. After this incision, the second incision, depending on the baby position’s, will be performed on the uterus in order to remove the baby out. Once the baby is out, your doctor will clamp and cut the cord, remove the placenta. Afterwards, the uterine incision will be closed with the absorbable stitches and abdominal incision will be closed by the stitches or staples.
If you were awake during the procedure, you may see your baby straight after birth and will be transferred to the recovery room. A nurse will help you to remove catheter and IV tube and help you to get out the bed for some time. Also, your doctor may advise you to take a prescribed medicine in order to get rid of the pain or a nurse could offer you a ward pads. Usually, a woman who was went thought the C-section will be advised to stay in a hospital for 3 to 4 days. At the same time, during these days a nurse will offer you a help with breastfeeding or you will be guided with your obstetrician as well. After you moved back home, you may experience a mild-levelled pain, bleeding where the abdominal incision occurred. It is recommended to avoid exercising or having a sex for a few weeks, in order to avoid infections and reduce stress on abdomen.